About Prescription Drug and Heroin Addiction
August 2024 Articles
July 2018 Articles
October 2017 Articles
- Solving the Opioid Epidemic
- MD Safe Stations Program Helping Addicts
- Indy lawmaker turns to law and order approach to fight opioid epidemic
September 2017 Articles
- Sheriff looks to prevention and treatment rather than just enforcement
- Experts: Better Treatment of Pain Is Key to Ending Opioid Abuse
- Panel: Opioid addiction crisis needs multi-faceted approach
- 'A human made crisis': Washington and Seattle sue opioid makers
- Pharma execs urge quicker FDA approval for opioid alternatives
- No more waiting for opiate addiction treatment in Chittenden County
August 2017 Articles
- Proportion of drivers killed while under influence of opioids shows huge spike
- For homeless on heroin, treatment can be elusive with no ID
- Bristol County gets federal funding to help inmates with addiction re-enter society
- Ohio city's morgues are full, thanks to opioid crisis
- Fentanyl-intoxication deaths in Baltimore double in first quarter of 2017
- Opioid crisis sparks innovative proposals in fight against epidemic
- Column: How Big Pharma is hindering the fight against the opioid epidemic
- Trump declares national emergency on opioid abuse
- Editorial: Address addiction together
July 2017 Articles
- Buffalo opiate court has saved lives, says D.A.
- Reducing stigma could save lives, say crowd and panelists at opioid awareness forum
- City Will Use OSI Grant For Outreach To Stop Drug Abuse
- Medical Board of California Circulates Opioid Prescriber Guidance
- City Will Use OSI Grant For Outreach To Stop Drug Abuse
- Students Help Build App to Warn of Deadly Drug Batches
- The U.S. should rethink its entire approach to painkillers and the people addicted to them, panel urges
- This isn't the first U.S. opiate-addiction crisis
June 2017 Articles
- An Early Success for Buffalo's Opiate Court
- Is Big Pharma to blame for the opiate epidemic?
- Activists seek ways to get addicts to treatment
- First group of participants to complete opioid addiction treatment for Wisconsin offenders
- Opioid Epidemic Changes, Challenges Police Departments
- A New Kind of Jail for the Opioid Age
May 2017 Articles
- Opioids Remain A Big Killer In Nevada
- For opioid addicts, health care plan is a betrayal
- Harford targets young athletes in anti-heroin billboard campaign
- Big Week in Wisconsin's Fight Against the Opiate Epidemic
- Another state declares an emergency over opioid addiction
- Program hopes to get opioid overdose patients into treatment
April 2017 Articles
- Stepping Up the Fight Against Opioid Addiction. April 24th, 2017 Bloomberg News
- Three deaths in Maryland counties highlight evolving opioid epidemic. April 22nd, 2017 Fox News
- Addicted veterans have long road to treatment. April 22nd, 2017 News Times
- Minnesota hospital confronts dilemma of opioid addicts who are expectant moms. April 22nd, 2017 Star Tribune
- Opioid addiction increases likelihood of death tenfold in general healthcare settings. April 21st, 2017 Science Magazine
- Treat opioid addiction with resources, not rhetoric. April 13th, 2017 CNN
- The new White House drug czar has quite an idea for where to put nonviolent drug users. April 11th, 2017 Washington Post
- Package of bills to fight heroin crisis passes. April 10th, 2017 Baltimore Sun
March 2017 Articles
- Drug Czar's Letter to Congress Highlights Fentanyl Crisis. March 31st, 2017 Wall Street Journal
- How the opioid epidemic became America's worst drug crisis ever, in 15 maps and charts. March 31st, 2017 Vox Media
- How the opioid boom transformed policing: we're not just making arrests — we're caretakers. March 30th, 2017 Vox Media
- Treatment dilemma: No consensus on cure as demand for it explodes. March 30th, 2017 Portland Press Herald
- The Senate may finally try to hold big pharma accountable for the opioid epidemic. March 28th, 2017 Vox Media
- The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People's 'Deaths Of Despair. March 23rd, 2017 NPR
February 2017 Articles
- Louisville Rocked By 52 Overdose Calls In Just 32 Hours. February 10th, 2017 Huffington Post
- Baltimore woman shares heroin addiction story in TV special. February 10th, 2017 WTOP Washington, D.C
- Why opioid overdose deaths seem to happen in spurts. February 8th, 2017 CNN
- Are 19 bills what it takes to end opiate epidemic? February 5th, 2017 IndyStar
- Delaware tightens regulations on prescription opiates. February 2nd, 2017 ABC Delaware
January 2017 Articles
- The State's Uphill Battle Against Heroin Addiction. January 24th, 2017 CBS Baltimore
- Gov. John Kasich signs opioid abuse prevention bill. January 5th, 2017 Cleveland.com
- The VA Hooked Veterans on Opioids, Then Failed Them Again. January 5th, 2017 Wall Street Journal
- Heroin addict goes from homeless to college. January 5th, 2017 Courier Journal USA Today
- The Children of the Opioid Crisis. January 3rd, 2017 Wall Street Journal
December 2016 Articles
- As Overdoses Climb, New 2017 Laws Offer Hope. December 31st, 2016 NBC WGRZ Buffalo
- State report reveals barriers in opioid addiction treatment. December 29th, 2016 Boston.com
- Alan D. Barry: The 'smoldering problem' of opioid abuse. December 22nd, 2016 Greenwich Time
- Drug companies rake in billions off 'snort-proof' opioids. December 15th, 2016 New York Post
- U.S. Doctors Still Over-Prescribing Drugs: Survey. December 6th, 2016 WebMD
November 2016 Articles
- Heroin, Opioid Abuse Put Extra Strain On U.S. Foster Care System. November 28th, 2016 NPR
- DEA Reduces Amount of Opioid Controlled Substances to be Manufactured in 2017. November 21st, 2016 WorkCompWire
- Facing Addiction in America – A National Summit with The Surgeon General LIVE Stream. November 17th, 2016 YouTube
- Opioid treatment at Rikers Island is a long-standing success, but few jails adopt it. November 14th, 2016 PBS
- Addiction Battle On The Ballot: Opioid Epidemic A Potent Campaign Issue. November 8th, 2016 Ohio Valley Resource
October 2016 Articles
- Opioid Addiction Study. October 31st, 2016 New York Times
- Doctors told to avoid prescribing opiates for chronic pain. October 24th, 2016 USA Today
- Better access to addiction treatment still needed. October 20th, 2016 Delaware Online
- Can a DNA Test Really Predict Opiate Addiction? October 17th, 2016 The Daily Beast
- Statewide Efforts In Place To Combat Heroin Overdoses, October 14th, 2016 CBS Baltimore
- Health Care Law's Beneficiaries Reflect Its Strengths, and Its Faults, October 13th, 2016 New York Times
- In mental health research, NIH needs to focus less on tomorrow and more on today, October 13th, 2016 Washington Post
June 2016 Articles
- Interview with Baltimore City muralist, Justin Nethercut, June 6, 2016 MCMHA
- Prince Died From Fentanyl Overdose, June 2, 2016 WebMD
- New treatment gives hope for those with opioid addiction, June 1,2016 CBS NEWS
May 2016 Articles
- Maine bill would help patients buy opiates that deter addiction, May 11, 2015, Portland Press Herald
- J&J Among Drug Makers Getting Chicago's Opiates Suit Tossed, May 8, 2015, Bloomberg
- Four drugmakers escape Chicago painkiller marketing lawsuit, May 8, 2015, Yahoo News
- 'Methadone Is Better Than Jail', May 7, 2015, The Marshall Project
- Northfield man charged with heroin sale to overdose victim, May 8, 2015, New Hampshire Union Leader
- Heroin deaths in NKY decline – see why, May 8, 2015, Cincinatti.com
- Officials: Scanner helps find heroin in woman's vagina, May 11, 2015, WBALTV
- Police plan to carry Narcan for heroin ODs, May 6, 2015, JConline
- Heroin disguised as pain pills like 'Russian roulette', May 6, 2015, WCPO Cincinatti
- Heroin and opioid abuse triggering spike in Hep C cases, May 7, 2015, Washington Examiner
- Maryland's Hidden Epidemic, May 8, 2015, DBK
- Maryland Heroin and Opioid Emergency Task Force to hold meeting, May 4, 2015, Maryland.gov
- State Senate's Joint Task Force Hosts Forum on Heroin and Opioid Addiction, May 7, 2015, Time Warner Cable News
- Study Finds 75% Rise in Heroin Use in Whites Who Abuse Prescription Opioids, May 6, 2015, Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
- Governor's Task Force on Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse, September 26, 2014, Virginia.gov
January 2016 Articles
- As the toll of heroin rises in Baltimore, so does the cost of a life-saving drug, January 30, 2015, Baltimore Business Journal
- Courtney Love reveals heroin use during pregnancy, January 28, 2015, Page Six
- Back from the brink of death: Shot saves lives of heroin users, January 29, 2015, WSB-TV
- Addiction Expert Discusses Statewide Surge In Heroin Overdoses, January 29, 2015, WBUR
- 2 women found dead of possible heroin overdoses in Lowell, January 28, 2015, The Boston Globe
- CBP at Newark Seizes Heroin Inside a Suitcase, January 28, 2015, U.S. customs and Border Protection
- Drug Dealer Says He Sold up to 600 Bags of Heroin a Day on Silk Road, January 29th, 2015, Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
- Utah Family of 5 Died from Methadone, Other Drugs, January 27, 2015, People
- Bill would restrict where methadone clinics can operate in Washington County, January 30, 2015, Herald-Mail Media
- Sutton building commissioner denies Spectrum methadone permit, January 30, 2015, Telegram
- Two new methadone clinics coming for heroin addicts, January 31, 2015, Capital Gazette
- Summary of the 6th Ward Townhall Meeting on Nuway Methadone Clinic, January 28, 2015, Concerned Citizens of Chatham